Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Been reading a book on health called, The Body Fat Solution, by Tom Venuto in addition to several others. Came across a section where he explains that there are reasons why we are susceptible to Weight-Loss Myths. I found these reasons very compelling towards spiritual matters as well. It seems that they would work well for American Christians who allow themselves to be so easily distracted from authentic Christian living. I will list the 8 myths he cites and correlate them to the spiritual. See what you think:

#1 Social Proof, Conformity, and Appeal to the Masses - we have a tendency to conform to what the masses are doing, i.e. conform to the world. I think that I remember the Apostle Paul state, conform not to this world but be transformed... Tom also uses the term pluralistic ignorance which suggests that followers follow other followers and no one thinks for themselves.

#2 Appeal to Authority and Loyalty to Gurus - Imagine that. We revere someone in the public eye that talks and looks like an expert on the subject. Most of the time we have no idea how that person may really live. I am sure that couple on the Bowflex infomercial really did get their bodies from the Bowflex. Not! We do the same with Christianity. Just because a person may look and sound spiritual or have a big church or ministry. Well! They must know what they are talking about. Yeah! Hitler sounded good to millions too. Only God's Word and a believer that you can witness their walk will be the only reliable source of Christian living.

#3 Anecdotal Evidence and Testimonials - Anecdotal evidence is just tad stronger than hearsay. Hardly enough to convict someone on in the court of law. Yet, we will give credence to someone who believes some weird doctrine that is not easily discerned in the Word of God. People will veer off course with all sorts of weird doctrines most of the time to justify their sin. In addition, how many people will be completely enamored with some "healing" on the television without really knowing the facts.

#4 The News Said So - Because some journalist wrote it, we believe it. This could be translated to that your favorite Christian author wrote it, it must be true. We must be careful and always filter ideas through the Bible and through the Holy Spirit. HE is the only trustworthy discerner.

#5 Confusing Correlation and Causation - This one is a little more technical. We will be sold on some deduction that is not at all accurate. Like, "Come to my church and you will be financially blessed!" The correlation is that if you attend a certain fellowship then certain things will or will not happen. Another example is the misuse of Scripture. Verse A and Verse B (in another book) when put together must mean point C. This is a deduction and is even further from the truth than an interpretation. The main point here is that there are a lot of details that are not discussed and still someone tries to influence you towards some thought that cannot be verified very easily.

#6 Confirmation Bias - Wow.. how true this is. We seek only information that confirms our existing beliefs. We also reject evidence that contradicts our beliefs. Let's be honest. We just become unteachable. I still try to figure out how someone can still think they are Christian but is unteachable. Your existing beliefs influence how much information or truth you seek out.

#7 Habitual Thinking and Appeal to Tradition - We just get into habits and they are hard to break. We have tendency to also do what we have always done or what our family has done. It is a tradition. Hope your family isn't thieves or liars, etc.

#8 Wishful Thinking - We create a belief system based on what we wished rather than what is proclaimed truth particularly in God's Word. Being a dummy is one that does the same thing over and over expecting different results.

It is amazing how the Lord will allow you to glean spiritual principles out of everyday life. We need to shake ourselves and realize that the world (today's culture) is influencing us away from living Christian. We allow this though some of the points previously mentioned. I pray that God will reveal to us our own self deceptions that are so hard to identify. Please Lord, open our eyes that we may see!! Good Day!